Why SEO is not a Gamble? [ Factors required to improve ranking ]

Is SEO a mystery to you?

It will remain … if you will not consider its every bit of detail that can lead you to higher ranking in search engines.

It is not an online casino where you will play perform anyway and will get fruitful results.  The sooner you will get this, the sooner you will achieve ranking.


But… Wait!!

Are you aware of what actually SEO is??  Why is it important to attain website traffic??

How you are considering it?

It might be a smoke and mirror, reports and explanations that make no sense and caters nothing.  Let’s comprehend what SEO is !!

SEO is Search Engine Optimization is an art that boils out how well your website and content are performing to rank higher.  Quantity over quality is also preferable. No one prefers to read the content which remains dull and boring.

Now, you have comprehended what SEO is… One question that might be growing to your mind is that what do you need to optimize??

Is it writing? Links? Or the designs??

Yes.. it is an integration of all this with more key elements!! It is the magic of your content that can do wonders.


A well-optimized website will get more traffic, more leads and more sales. The top website has 33% of the chances of getting clicked on Google.

You might be having thousands of content on your business website… But is that paying you well?? If each page is unrelated to the previous one then how you are thinking this will get you good ranking???

On the other hand,  30 pages of related content with quality links on your website or outside your website can definitely generate higher SEO.  Any website will quality content surely be ranking high on search engines.   It means a full relevance of titles, paragraphs and those links that are navigating to the related posts or pages.  The visitors will not be able to find you on Google if the website is not SEO then all of your hard work will fade away. You need to hire a seo services for your website to get visitors or follow some search engine guidelines.

The purpose of this article is to make you aware of SEO and give you the best ways to improve your website ranking on search engines. So, without any further delay, let’s get started !!

Best SEO ranking factors to follow

Best SEO ranking factors to follow

Improve your Page Loading Speed

Two main reasons can explain why loading speed is important for higher rankings.

First, if your website loading speed is slow that Google will find it anyway and ultimately, will damage your website ranking. It has been seen that more percentile (almost 40%) of visitors leave your website if they find it slow (more than 3 seconds to load).  To your knowledge, 80% of the visitors do not like to come back to the website if it is slow. Don’t you find it shocking?  It will do nothing but will kill your website traffic.

On the contrary, if your website is loading fast then obviously more visitors will be love to stay on your website.  You can generate a higher ranking and more business for your brand.  Google with its algorithmic ability will recognize your popularity and accordingly, will manage your ranking.  So, you need to optimize the server response time and page speed to stay ahead of your competitors.

Publish only High-Quality Content

Higher SEO demands regular updation. It is vital to follow those reasons that can let your visitors’ coming back to your website.  The content you post should be of high quality, relevant and recent.  The quality content will insist the visitors stay longer to your website (dwell time). That corresponds to the fact that if your website is posting an exciting, informative, and fresh information to the website then you can increase your dwell time.

Another factor that needs your consideration is that when the visitors bookmark your website from the google chrome that in an ultimate manner, the SEO ranking improves.  So, what is important is to post only relevant and high-quality content on the website to get bookmarked.

Grab the Customers Needs and Act Accordingly

You need to discover what your imminent customers are interested in and deliver the content suitably.  Image yourself as a user who is looking for quality content. The first thing that you will pay attention to is the title of the page.  It should be precise as an ad so that the customer can grab it quickly.

From here, you can grasp their level of interest and can lure them. A page title is as important as a ranking factor.

Enhance your CTR Rate

Who does not want to get more clicks?? Everyone!!!

Several strategies are there that can assist you in improving your clock through rate (CTR). Such as emojis, clickbait headlines, to the number and other significant visually pleasing elements.

Enhance your CTR Rate

Believe or not… Title is important and is the initial factor of interaction with esteemed visitors in search engines.  You need to manage a balance between CTR and ad copy (which is what the title is). Better is to Explore, adjust, acquire and grow.

Include Visual Than Text

Who gets impressed only with the content, no one!!

Some spice of visual elements can give more taste to your users.  Implement slideshows, audio, videos to your website and improve your user experience.  We all liked to watch more than reading.

Let me add more. The multimedia sources and videos have a direct correlation on your website to improve SEO ranking. According to the length of the videos, the customers can stay on the page. You can enhance your search ranking accordingly.

Focus on KPIs

Why Key performer indicator (KPI) is important?

To generate revenue obviously.

There are steps to get there and every step demands effective planning and investment that should be estimated appropriately.

KPI indicates how efficiently your company is attaining the key objectives. You can use the KPI to measure the level of success at different levels.  Follow the navigation to reach your desired goals: SEO enhancement -> Ranking -> Traffic-> Sign up -> Revenue

Concluding Remarks

That’s a wrap!  We hope that now you understood that SEO has nothing to do with gambling.  Keep one thing in mind that playing with SEO will take you nowhere. You will only dive in the pool of losses. Grasp what we have tried to convey to you.

The competition will not wait for you to execute. Time is running at a face pace so does the competition. If you want to enjoy the breeze of success, commit yourself to follow the right strategies to see yourself on the top of Google ranking.  Who knows… next time when you will publish.. You will stand out!!

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