7 Top Mistakes You Make While Writing CSS for WordPress Theme

7 Top Mistakes You Make While Writing CSS for WordPress Theme

It doesn’t matter how well-organized your WordPress design is, specifically if you are planning to tweak your existing layout and some other elements to make it a little more appealing! And when it comes to WordPress theme customization, using custom CSS to overwrite the rules and integrate new elements in your site to make it more visual is a first thought that will hit your mind.

After spending your valuable time in writing a CSS file to make a layout that fits into your WordPress development, of course, your expectations will be on the peak! Still, your website is not producing the expected outcomes. Wondering what would have gone wrong? You may hit your brain thinking about the possibility that caused your layout to fail to appeal your target audience and suddenly you realized the mistake you have made in writing the file!

No matter how experienced you are, but sometimes even an experienced professional can also make CSS mistakes while customizing the WordPress theme. Of course, the reason behind it could be anything, the strict deadline or impractical commitment. If you have ever come across such a situation, then this blog is for you only! In this blog, we are going to explore 7 common blunders that even experienced designers often make while writing CSS during WordPress theme customization.

  • Overlooking CSS Reset!

Many of you might argue that using a CSS Reset is not at all needed. But, very rare designers know that browsers are an important factor to determine how your site will be displayed and are quite shaky.

Every browser supports a default styling for the HTML elements and chances are higher that two browsers will provide the same styling. And that’s where CSS Reset comes into the picture. It helps you reset all the styles of HTML elements and makes things more clear and precise. Ignoring it could make your page elements behave differently on different sites.

  • Forgetting Browser Compatibility

Many developers and designers often ignore the important aspect of browser compatibility while going for WordPress theme customization. This results in scattered links when the mouse is over a specific link; layouts behave abruptly in different browsers and sometimes fail to load the effects on different elements. To avoid this, it is important for you to follow the CSS standards and keep in mind the browser compatibility while writing CSS for WordPress theme.

  • Choosing Wrong Template Module

You all are well aware of the fact that template modules are very critical as it empowers developers to extend the functionality of their website.       However, many of us often make mistake while updating the wrong module selection of the template. And because of this, you might feel that changes applied to the template are not applying on the page or in posts. So, try to avoid selecting the wrong template module while customizing your WordPress theme.

  • Not so clear about File Placement fundamentals

This might be a frequent issue with the newbie designers or developers in the world of CSS. It is important to understand that CSS styles should be incorporated in the style.css file of the WP theme folder in addition to other PHP files. On the other hand, HTML should be stored in the index.php library of the same theme. If you misplace HTML or CSS file in different directories or files, it would destroy the layout of your site.

  • Selectors are the main Culprit!!!

If you feel the quality of your layout is not effective, try to have a look the labels that are used for your design. It is important that you put the WP designs into the #context-txt. However many designers often try to put it under #content label, which at the end ruin the entire presentation of the design. So, try to use correct selectors in order to avoid such a situation.

  • Unable to understand the Blockquote Element

In simple terms, the blockquote element is used to indicate long equations that span multiple lines. However, many designers often try to style the blockquote element and turn it into a disaster. It is always important to understand that for the blockquote element, it is always good to use a non-consistent textual style for boosting up the visual appearance of your theme.

  • More References WON’T WORK

Getting into writing the CSS for a WordPress theme is always fascinating for many developers. And in excitement, many of them often forget the thumb rule of CSS and use the same information for multiple references. This at the end confuses CSS to decide which one to refer. Therefore, it is always important to understand that you should always refer to a new stylesheet instead of using the same stylesheet.

Wrapping up….

In this write-up, we have highlighted the most common mistakes that most of the developers make while writing CSS for the WordPress theme customization. Hope that this post will help you avoid at least these mistakes in your next WordPress Development venture! Do share your reviews in the comment section…

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