Top 10 SEO Trends In 2021

The SEO field stays unpredictable just like the Google algorithms and their updates that keep happening from time to time. The industry has become so volatile that in case SEO goes to a year of hibernation for a year, there will be a sense of generation gap. Several things are happening across the world regarding SEO and in case you want to go or stay on top of the Google rankings, there is a need for focusing on the changes.

Top 10 SEO Trends

Here we shall take a look at SEO hot trends this year and speculations regarding what can be observed in the coming next year. In case you have been thinking about why you should take a look at other speculations, the answer to it is simple. Until, Google itself will reveal its ranking factors, (not happening) SEO stays to be half-driven with past data and the other on speculations.

We shall also be taking a look at some of the best practices that you can follow as a digital marketer and get the clients to a higher level. With some changes, one can get ready for whatever the coming months throws towards us, at least depending on the things that Google had been testing.

Surely, some of the points you will see here will be the ones that were trending last year as well. And the main reason for it is that some things will stay right here until the SEO industry stays alive!

SEO Trends in 2021

As we had mentioned above, for getting higher or maintaining the rankings, one constantly needs to keep modifying their SEO strategy as per Google Algorithms and its evolvements. Here is the rundown of the top SEO trends that you need to prioritize in 2021!

1. Google is Rewriting Titles

Google has begun replacing some of the title tags in the SERP with other text from the webpage. Google has been rewriting these title tags for limited pages in the search results, and often it’s replaced with the text that has a page with H1 tags.

Google is Rewriting Titles

It has been already known that Google does adjust the title for SERP through small changes like adding the name of the business in the end. But the titles are being overwritten with something different. The scale at which this has been happening is unknown presently but has been widespread enough for several SEO experts to face it already.

There is evidence that suggests that Google is taking away text majorly from the H1 tags of the rewrites. Keep in mind that this seems to be the initial level of coming permanent changes. Once assuming the way Google can handle such titles for search snippets, this can become a better aspect for websites.

The main goal for this is the replacement of titles for enhancing search relevance. In that situation, the title that’s more relevant for the content is going to be extremely compelling for a viewer to click on.

2. Voice Search

The normal web search gets completed through voice and is expected to increase. People are using speaker search and voice assistants a lot more this year. This slow behavior shift is going to increase the impact on search query structures as well. For instance, users typing a question for search, and what they say during a voice search can be very different.

And as we all know that Google has been expanding the AI technology, for making searches synonymous, it’s critical to keep in mind that the main focus of the technology will not be helpful for your business and information that has to be found.

The main target here is getting the user’s right information with minimum effort, for both the bot and the users. That is why it will be critical for you to include SEO strategies in 2021 that are specific for voice searches.

Voice Search

You will need to include structured data, long-tail keywords, and precise answers to the questions. Also, prioritizing over featured snippet optimization will be key to this.

3. Google BERT

Google BERT makes use of machine learning for NLP (natural language processing) for a much better understanding of the searches that users have been trying to find. This entire process can work in over 70 languages and can almost provide results for any query in English.

Through the update of Google BERT, the search engine bot will become a lot more conversations, and this way Google algorithm will interpret the searcher’s intent. In simpler terms, Google will be able to understand things in the manner a human brain thinks.

When the content you offer isn’t offering things that the user wants, then you can’t call your content to be BERT friendly. This means that ranking for a specific keyword will long work for you in the long term.

This is why it’s important that you publish valuable content and will satisfy the user’s intent for helping you. So, make sure you are searching for keywords over Google before you begin working on the content. This can be a good strategy for you to understand keyword intent and one can be sure of getting successful before they spend time on creating content.

4. Content Writing

One of the trends that can help outrank the competitors this year is the consistent publishing of relevant long-form content for your website. Content that’s written should be as per the E.A.T guidelines and must be about 2000 words or more.

As such long-form written content stays to be important in the year 2021, make sure that you are writing resourceful, point-wise content of at least 3000-word mark for optimum results.

5. Link Building

SEO experts have said that one high-quality backlink from the best news site has worth more than a thousand low-quality links that you can get from other websites. This also means that when your PR is working well, you will be better off when compared with working with the traditional SEO firm. Media relations and technical SEO can be a powerful combination for any future searches.

6. Bing Search Engine

Even though Google has the control of search engine share in the market of about 67%, Bing seems to have around 19.4% as well. This makes it the second most famous search engine as well. There can be a critical reason to shift your focus on the Bing search engine. First is the fact that the competition is less on Bing to rank higher.

This means that the competition for getting a higher spot in the search result when compared with Google stays less and your business can gain so much from this. The ranking results can be observed quickly, and the SEO is pretty old school for Bing.

Attention has to be paid more to multi-media content. Make use of content that has videos, images, and audio, and much more as it enhances the experience of viewers.

7. Local Search

While we are dealing with COVID-19 impact across the world one shift that stays is a rapid movement towards digital channels for being the main information source. And this is also seen for making any kind of purchase as well. This is where the behavior for local search has been impacted.

Initial six months data showed an increase in the traffic for local search and the views were mainly driven with terms like near me, open now, by me, etc. Also, when we speak of local search, understand that half of the searches end without any clicks.

Such no-click behavior with increased volume for local search makes SEO on local listings and list of features mainly on My Business is critical than ever. The customers will be making more purchases or visit choices without even going on the website.

8. Core Web Vitals

Core Web Vitals

Google had announced the three planned update in 2020 for the ranking criteria as Core Web Vitals. These are specific criteria for users experience and include visual stability, responsiveness, and page loading speeds. So, make sure you are minimizing the website elements that can distract from the page performances.

9. Branded SEO

The future of SEO contains brands. More authentic and famous your brand is more frequently and higher you will be ranking on search engines. And this is a key factor that you will be noticed in the coming months. Therefore, work towards creating and making a good brand reputation. Make this the top SEO strategy for your business. This can be done by building brand awareness so that search queries regarding your brand also increases.

10. Artificial Intelligence

The marketing industry and SEO are also impacted through AI. The main reason for its personalization is for an enhanced user experience. Google makes use of AI for offering users specific things that they had been looking for. Ai can help create an SEO strategy for ranking your web pages and can be seen as a complete game-changer. The algorithms can be decoded efficiently and you can make favorable and powerful strategies.

Final Thoughts

This was the list of top 10 SEO trends in 2021, and when used efficiently can help update or build your website in a way that it ranks.

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