7 Web Development Trends for 2019 You Should Know

Are you aware of the latest web development trends for 2019?

Do you know how technology can help you increase website traffic?

Is it possible to show Google and other search engines a better version of your digital identity?

Can a website help a brand gather data and perform reputation management at the same time?

If you have been asking these questions, you have landed on the right article. In this article, we look at the top web development trends for 2019.

The good thing about technology is that it keeps evolving and changing all the time. This gives brands and agencies the scope to keep improving their digital presence. From a design and development perspective (User Interface-UI and User Experience-UX), a website needs to appeal to-

  • Search Engines like Google, Bing, Yahoo, etc.
  • Users/People on the Internet

This is where design and development plays a critical role in enhancing the digital identity of a brand’s website. By keeping your digital identity static and utilise traditional features and technology, you will reduce your website’s appeal and reach.

If there is, one thing that the tech and digital industry is famous for, it is innovation. Technology is volatile, unpredictable and disruptive.

With its ever-changing nature, it is essential that we are aware of what technological changes can aid and assist our digital websites in 2019.

How can the top Web Development Trends for 2019 help my Business?

At the end of the day, everything boils to one question only-

How will changing this or altering that help my business?

For most brand owners, creating a business website is a once-in-a-lifetime thing. A majority of them feel that if a website is like a physical store on the digital world, why it needs changing or upgradations all the time.

This can be a difficult question to answer. Especially when we are dealing with people who are not aware of digital marketing. However, an easier strategy is to tell brand owners about the benefits of staying abreast with the latest trends.

  • Newer Technological Integrations make websites faster and safer. This in turn presents a better version of your website in front of Google and search engines.
  • Better Reputation Management software integration helps in improving customer experience. This helps in data gathering and converting sales through a pro-active approach.
  • Improved Logistics Software can help cut down on transaction timings and improve efficiency. This will increase productivity and cut down on supply and demand problems.

These can contribute to better website traffic, higher engagement rates, and translate into more sales. Not to mention, but technology has a great impact on brand building.

Improved Logistics Software

Top 7 Web Development Trends for 2019

Top 7 Web Development Trends

1. Blockchain Technology-

Automation of supply chain networks through Blockchain technology is the most cutting-edge website development of 2019. The biggest brands are gravitating towards blockchains to help them-

  • Seamless auditing and data flow
  • Integrating Smart Contracts in the trade process
  • Securing Intellectual Property
  • Creating a safe haven for sensitive File Storage in Networks

You can think of blockchains as the coolest kid in the new school. Everyone, from big Fortune 500 Companies to enthusiastic start-ups, all want a piece of the Blockchain pie.

However, the biggest benefit of Blockchain technology is eliminating intermediaries. This helps in bringing down the costs. There is no need to engage with multiple entities. The licences, contracts and other regulations is done online with ease.

Blockchain Technology

2. Mobile Optimization and Responsiveness-

Google surprised the digital community with a big announcement in 2018. By announcing a Mobile-First Indexing Strategy, Google stressed on mobile responsive websites. With over 60% of searches taking place through mobile devices, no brand or agency can ignore this reality.

A website development project that is not optimised for mobile is like building a house in an inaccessible location. In terms of content and design, Google checks whether the desktop and the mobile versions are in alignment or not.

If a brand does not have a website that is mobile responsiveness, it stands to miss traffic, queries, leads and sales. It is imperative that brands and agencies spend the same effort on the mobile website as they do for desktops.

Mobile Optimization and Responsiveness

3. Voice Search Optimization-

With Amazon’s Echo, Apple’s Siri, Google’s Dot and Microsoft’s Cortana altering human existence, voice search is not the future anymore. The future of search is definitely moving towards voice search. With more than 250 million searches in 2018, voice search is the next big thing in search engine optimization.

A web development project for a brand’s website is incomplete if it is not optimised for voice search. In terms of technical changes, voice search optimization lays emphasis on long tail keywords.

This is because search patterns on speech and typing are different. Long tail keywords in the form of questions are more apt to be spoken to voice assistants. Developers will have to integrate APIs for voice search recognition into their websites.

Voice Search Optimization

4. Fast Loading Speed with AMP-

AMP stands for Accelerated Mobile Pages. We have already stated how more than 60% of searches are taking place on cell phones. AMP decreases the loading time of the mobile version of the website. Faster mobile version websites mean better search rankings, improved customer experiences and better engagement.

According to Google, people should always be able to process information at lightning fast speeds. AMP helps brands and agencies make their websites fast. According to experts, an increase of a 1-second delay can decrease sales conversions by more than 7%.

Some of the biggest names in the media and news industry like CNBC, Fox and others have already transitioned to AMP. However, more and more businesses are making the transition to AMP every day. In 2019, AMP has become a necessity for most brands and agencies.

Fast Loading Speed with AMP

5. Single Page Applications (SPA)-

In the past couple of years, JavaScript has been growing slowly and productively. In the past year, more and more websites started experimenting with Single Page Applications. This has helped in the development of frameworks like Angular and Vue JS, and JavaScript libraries like React JS.

This accelerates the page loading process as the data is fetched in sections. This is unlike PHP where all the data is fetched at one go. Platforms like FlipkartLite, PayTMLite and others use minimal data and accelerate the page loading speed.

SPA works well on Cell phones, tablets and almost all desktop versions. The best thing about SPA is the user experience that it provides. Better UI translates into more leads, sales and traffic.

Single Page Applications

6. Emphasis on Cybersecurity-

2018 and 2019 will be remembered as the year in which ‘Wanna Cry’ Malware wreaked havoc in the world. This malware caused billions of dollars’ worth of losses. It is no wonder that Google has started paying attention to security on a scale that it previously did not.

I want all of you to do a simple experiment. Type in any search keyword and check the results from the first page. I bet that you will not see any website with a HTTP URL. What you will see are websites with HTTPs.

Privacy invasions, data breaches, and website hacking have become so routine that according to experts, a hacking attempt is made every 39 seconds! Security of the website is one of Google’s top ranking factor. This becomes even more important for websites handling financial transactions and data.

Emphasis on Cybersecurity

7. Using Chat bots on Websites to Improve User Experience-

Chat bots or Direct Messaging Software on websites are AI driven mechanisms that help users interact with your website. Let us use a simple analogy to understand them better.

When you walk into a store, you are always asked by someone as to what would you like to explore or purchase. Once you tell him or her, the person guides you to the requested section. This is exactly what chat bots do. They are the voice of your website. They will ask you about what are you planning to do after you reach the website.

The most sophisticated chat bots use complex AI and ML to help users in their experiences. The simplest ones take pre-loaded messages and aim to act as a buffer until the real human operator takes over. This helps in increasing engagement, lead generation and sales conversions on business websites.


Technology, especially in the digital realm, is accelerating at break-neck speeds. Users are getting more used to websites that are technologically complex in terms of their offerings.

Complexity in this sense is not a bad thing. It rather shows progress, improvement and a will to keep changing with the changing times. I could have added Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning in the list. However, I chose to refrain from doing so, given the capabilities that 90% of digital agencies and brands have in 2019.

This does not mean that it is going to remain static. Agencies are also evolving in terms of innovating on their own tech and platforms.

As we begin to move into the third decade of the 21st century website development needs to either evolve or perish!

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