LinkedIn Automation Campaign Fails In 2021- Here is How to Avoid Them

If you are reading this article, you have already avoided committing your first mistake.

LinkedIn is the best social media platform to generate leads, hands down.

It’s no more a platform to keep up with your business contacts only, but a hub of qualified leads.

B2B marketers and sales professionals are desperately looking for ways to generate leads because leads are like blood to the business.

Many marketers and businesses are already using different technologies such as LinkedIn automation tools to run outreach and messaging campaigns to generate leads.

Though many of them are successful in running successful campaigns and generating new business opportunities, many fail to do so. They complain that the campaigns that they run give them no significant outcomes, instead put their account safety at risk.

Before we dig further into why campaigns fail, look at the following stats:

  • Last year, more than 40% of the traffic was spam.
  • More than 50% of the users send spam messages.
  • The opening rate of templated messages was as low as 4%.
  • The response rate of the sales messages was very low overall.

This shows that the LinkedIn algorithm has become very smart, and it can easily catch more than 98% spam.

People still use advanced LinkedIn automation tools to send spam messages. Therein lies the problem.

The purpose of advanced LinkedIn automation is to help you find the right people to run campaigns to find, connect and send messages, not to automate your conversations.

Here are some reasons why your LinkedIn Automation campaigns fail and how to avoid them:

LinkedIn Automation Campaign

1. Ignoring Profile Optimization

A number of B2B marketers complain that they don’t get a significant acceptance or response rate when they run campaigns.

People often ignore or reject the connect requests or flag their accounts as spam. A major reason behind the failed outreach campaigns is that B2B marketers fail to create an attractive buyers’ persona.

If you don’t have a proper profile picture, a good cover, a well-written and to-the-point summary, prospects will reject your connect request right away.

Thus, polishing your LinkedIn profile is the first and foremost step because ‘the first impression is the last impression.’ Use professional profile pictures so that people think of you as trustworthy.

Add a proper headline and a summary that provides proper details about you and what you provide to your target audience.

Moreover, use relevant keywords in your profile. It’ because when you’re doing social selling on LinkedIn to find your ideal customers, customers are also looking for idea vendors. If you don’t use relevant keywords, your profile won’t show up in the search results.

2. Not Filtering Your Audience

How can your campaign be successful when you haven’t even filtered out the people you want to target?

Another reason why people fail to run successful LinkedIn outreach campaigns is that they don’t extract the list of the right people.

They send connect notes and messages to every profile that comes into the way that is just a waste of time and resources.

Your acceptance and response rate will improve when your connection requests and messages are reaching the right people. You can use the best LinkedIn automation tools that come with advanced features to help you sift out the right list and then run personalized campaigns to get benefits.

3. Sending Unlimited Connect Notes

A common mistake that most people make is that they use LinkedIn automation tools with no limits. They want to expand their network, generate leads and ROI over the night. This is not how it works.

No doubt that free LinkedIn automation tools speed up the workflows and tasks, but you need a proper approach and strategy to get the best outcomes.

Marketers often run outreach campaigns and visit and connect with thousands of profiles. LinkedIn can easily detect that a human cannot possibly visit and connect with so many people in one day.

To avoid this, you need to use the best LinkedIn automation tools that have inbuilt safety limits features. With this feature, users can easily set the daily limit of the profile visiting, connect notes, and messages according to LinkedIn standards.

4. Sending Sales-y & Templated Messages

Are you one of those marketers who use LinkedIn automation to send templated messages to prospects and annoy them to death and then expect them to respond to you? Let me tell you one thing: Everybody around you is doing this and that’s the problem.

Your prospects and ideal leads are bombarded each day with hundreds of templated emails trying to solicit their attention but get rejected.

If you want to get the attention of your prospects, the only way is to stand out.

How to stand out to get their attention?

Today, customers like to interact with those brands who know their problems and design solutions accordingly. They like to get a personalized experience. Thus, the best way to provide a personalized experience is to research them and get more and more data about them.

Once you have understood their interests, you’d be able to craft messages that they actually want to read.

There are a number of cloud based LinkedIn automation tools that have features to run personalized messaging campaigns.

The tools send personalized messages along with personalized images that easily grab the attention of the prospects.


Running a successful LinkedIn outreach campaign is challenging but 100% possible. Before running campaigns, you need to learn some of the common mistakes that others make, and how to avoid them will give you a leg up on the competition.

A great number of SaaS organizations are leveraging the power of this platform by running highly effective campaigns. If you want to do the same, you need the right approach, strategy, and the best tools in your arsenal to get the best outcomes.

Don’t let hustle and bustle of creating leads cause you a rush in your campaigns – the last thing you want is a campaign that fails.

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