Manufacturing Tech Trends of the 2020s

As of June 2019 according to Internet World Stats, 57.3% of the population in the whole world have been utilizing the internet, which entirely explains why many industries have been progressing in terms of their technology arsenal for the past recent years. The manufacturing industry, in particular, has been banking in on the power of … Read more

Google Lighthouse: A Powerful Tool For SEO Audits In E-commerce

What is the ‘Google ability’ of your website? Going the other way around, how do you measure your e-Commerce website’s visibility and search engine friendliness? The sudden shifts in Google Algorithm often leave SEO professionals perplexed. However, the introduction of each algorithm tweak brings e-commerce marketers one step closer to the more accurate search results. … Read more

5 Smart Ways to Harness the Potential of Google Maps in Marketing

Source: The origin of maps is indeed interesting. It takes us back to the eras of Viking explorations, voyages by Columbus, Aerial photography, satellite images and more. Cut to the chase, in 2019 things tend to remain equally intriguing, perhaps more advanced and rewarding from all aspects. Thanks to Google Maps for fuelling the … Read more